





  • 神像倚靠牆面,象徵有靠山,避免小人中傷。
  • 祖先牌位留有縫隙,預防後代「無後」之虞。
  • 神桌周圍避免堆放雜物,保持整潔,寓意家運平順。
  • 神桌不可背對大門或前陽台,避免「背道而馳」,影響運勢、人際關係。


  • 神桌高度、左右距離遵循魯班尺吉利刻度。
  • 神像數量以單數為佳,一般不超過五尊。
  • 神桌設置於住宅伏位較為理想。
  • 安奉祖先牌位者,應另設神明。
  • 避免於神桌下方放置雜物、電器,影響家運。
  • 神桌周圍避免晾曬衣物,表示對神明不敬。
  • 神像不可正對卧室、廁所、廚房,以免煞氣沖煞。

adherence to spatial constraints and design considerations, the altar is sometimes placed facing away from the main entrance or front balcony, symbolizing a lack of divine presence in the abode. This inauspicious placement can negatively impact career prospects and interpersonal relationships, leading to a challenging path and limited opportunities.

神桌座向 Play

  1. The height and lateral distance of the altar should conform to auspicious measurements on the traditional Lu Ban ruler, specifically at increments marked with symbols representing wealth, status, righteousness, and foundation.

  2. The altar should not directly face the main entrance, as this could invite financial instability and loss.

  3. Beams or rafters should not hang directly above the altar, as this could suppress the occupants’ fortunes, leading to debt, adversity, and misfortune.


  4. The altar should not be situated near a restroom, cemetery, or septic tank.

  5. Neither should the altar be positioned below a staircase, next to a kitchen or bathroom, or in the master bedroom. However, in modern apartment buildings with concrete walls, this placement may be acceptable.

  6. Keeping the area below the altar clear of clutter, trash cans, aquariums, appliances, or other miscellaneous items promotes harmony and well-being within the household.

  7. Placing the altar in the southeast corner of a home, known as the “Five Yellow Disaster Sector,” can lead to familial discord and isolation.

  8. The altar should not be aligned with or facing restrooms or toilets, as this could result in financial losses.

  9. Hanging laundry directly in front of the altar is considered disrespectful and should be avoided.

  10. The altar should not be positioned opposite a bedroom, restroom, kitchen, or sharp corners, and should also be kept away from property lines, water towers, power lines, and other pointed or obstructive objects.

  11. The ideal number of deities placed on the altar is odd, and it should not exceed seven. In general, no more than five deities should be present in a home shrine.

  12. The most auspicious placement for the altar is in the “Prosperity Corner” of the residence, which corresponds to the same direction as the main entrance.

  13. If ancestral tablets are present in the home, appropriate deities should also be enshrined.



座向 注意事項
坐北朝南 財運旺盛、事業順利
坐東朝西 健康安寧、家運興旺
坐西朝東 婚姻美滿、人丁興旺
坐南朝北 宜商業,利官位
坐西北朝東南 子孫繁昌、福祿雙全
坐東北朝西南 添丁進財、諸事順利
坐西南朝東北 祛病保平安、化解煞氣
坐東南朝西北 旺文益智、才華橫溢


1. 根據房屋結構調整


2. 考慮巒頭風水


  • 有水景或公園:神桌朝向水源,利於財運。
  • 有高大建築物:神桌背靠高樓,可得靠山。
  • 有樹木或花草:神桌朝向綠意盎然的方位,添益生機。

3. 結合八字命理



1. 神桌可以移動嗎?


2. 神桌大小怎麼選擇?

3. 神桌供品如何擺放?



